An Overview Of The Company
Eltaef for recruitment is established to meet the needs of the Arab labor market in all disciplines with a new thinking and a scientific modern method based on a broad database and qualified competencies to be sure that the candidates' choice performs the highest scales of accuracy using all sorts of advertising in major national newspapers and scientific marketing for various cadres.
Believing that the human resources has become one of the most significant factors that control the advancement and rising of any enterprise, provided that the persons hired are well trained, competent and experienced.
Provide an elite selection of engineers, sales representatives and administrative marketing as there is a comprehensive database of all cadres
We have a comprehensive archive containing the CV of all medical cadres where we deal with all specialties.
Develop a new strategy to improve the investments of the scientific and economic human resources for all entities and companies.
Our Latest Opportunities
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- business
- Design
- engineering
- finance
- marketing
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- اخصائى
- ادارة
- اطباء
- المهندسيين
- امن
- تسو
- تسويق
- تمريض
- حسابات
- خدمة عملاء
- دعم فنى
- دعم فنى
- رسامين
- سائقين
- سكرتاريه
- سياحة و فنادق
- سياحة و فنادق
- شيف
- صيانة
- فنين
- كهرباء
- مبرمجين
- مبيعات
- محامى
- مدرسين
- مدنى
- مراقبين
- مساح
- مساحين
- مشتريات
- مصاعد
- مصانع
- مصممين
- مصممين معمارى
- مطاعم
- مقاولات
- مندوب
- مهن حرفية
- موارد بشرية
- ميكانيكا
- ورش
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